Mode: Online Submissions
Date & Time: 16th- 18th February, 2024 by 04:00 pm

Logo Designing

Submit your entries on the following link by 18th February, 2024 by 04:00 PM.

Design Brief: Higher Education Institution Specializing in Mass Communication

Project Overview: Your client is a higher education institution specializing in mass communication. They are looking for a logo that represents their institution and the field they are in. The logo should appeal to students and parents who are interested in mass communication.

Target Audience: The target audience for this logo are students who are interested in mass communication as a field of study and parents who are looking for a higher education institution for their children. The logo should appeal to them both and represent the institution’s commitment to mass communication.

Brand Identity: The logo should have elements related to mass communication, such as microphones, cameras, or other relevant symbols. The logo should be simple, yet memorable and easily recognizable. It should be clean and modern, and use colors that are relevant to the field.

Design Considerations

Some design considerations to keep in mind when creating the logo are:

  • Accessibility: The logo should be easily distinguishable in different sizes and formats, including online and print materials.
  • Versatility: The logo should work well in both colour and black and white, and be easily adaptable for use on different mediums, such as business cards, letterheads, and signage.
  • Originality: The logo should be unique and original, avoiding designs that closely resemble those of competitors or other established institutions.


  1. Only one entry consisting of 1 participant per institute is allowed.
  2. There are two categories:
    1. Digital: Logos should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi, maintaining quality if reduced to a 1 inch x 1 inch image.
    1. Hand- drawn:  Neatly drawn on white sheet.
  3. Describe the logo and concept in word limit: 100 words).
  4. Soft copy to be submitted by the form provided on JIMMC website:
    1. Digital:Photoshop/Illustrator/Coral or PDF Files. 
    1. Hand- drawn:Scanned copy of the logo along with the write up.